JEE Intimation Slip: National testing agency has released the clear information of city intimation slip for the joint entrance examination 2025 season 1.
Table of Contents
This city intimation sleep is one of the crucial slips for candidate as it informs them about the city where their exam center will be located to be appear for the main examination.
You will get your all detail guide on how to download the city intimation slip and all-important dates regarding this examination and some frequently as question related to this examination.
JEE Intimation Slip Important dates
S. No. | Event | Date(s) |
1 | Release of City Intimation Slip | January 10, 2025 |
2 | JEE Main Session 1 Exam Dates | January 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, and 30, 2025 |
3 | Admit Card Release | Expected a few days before the exam |
Download JEE Intimation Slip
All the candidate who have feel the online application form for the JEE Mains examination can download their City intimation slip from the 10th of January 2025. They must follow the following step by step process in order to download the city intimation slip.
- First of all, they should visit the official website by clicking these links. This link will lead you to the official website of JEE main of NTA.
- All the students are suggested to login their application form by providing your application number and date of birth on the web portal.
- Downloading the City intimation slip is next step so to do this step students are suggested to click on the link for the city intimation slip and download it.
- After downloading the city intimation slip all student are suggested to verify the detail mention on the city intimation slip in order to ensure all the details on the sleep are correct and keep a printed copy for the future reference.
JEE Intimation Slip Exam schedule
As all students know very well that exam will be conducted for the two paper which is paper one and paper to in which paper one is for B.Tech and paper 2 is for Bachelor of architecture.
S. No. | Event | Date(s) | Shift(s) | Timing |
1 | Paper 1 (BE/BTech) | January 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 2025 | Shift 1 & Shift 2 | 9 AM to 12 Noon, 3 PM to 6 PM |
2 | Paper 2 (BArch/BPlanning) | January 30, 2025 | Shift | 3 PM to 6:30 PM |
Important links
Home Page | Click Here |
Apply online | Click Here |
All that candidate suggested to stay updated with the latest information regarding the examination and ensure you have all the necessary document ready for the exam so that you can appear in the examination tension free. If you feel any problem you can contact to the national testing agency helpline number for their assistance.
So, feel free and appear in the examination and crack the examination with good marks and score maximum mark as much as possible and get good rank all the best to all the student.
JEE Intimation Slip FAQs
What do you understand by the city intimation slip?
City intimation slip is nothing but the information for the candidate about the city where their exam center will be located. This is an advance notice to the student in order to help them for planning their travel arrangement.
When will the admit card be released?
As per the notification released by the national testing agency the admit card for the joint entrance examination main exam is expected to be released of few days before the exam so all the candidates are suggested to Keep checking the official website for future updates.
What should any student do if there is an error in any City intimation slip?
Those students who have received their wrong are error in their City intimation slip or find any discrepancies in city intimation slip they are suggested to contact as soon as possible to nationality testing agency helpline for their assistance.
What are the exam dates for the joint entrance examination main 2025 session 1?
The exam will be held on January 22 23 24 28 29 and 30.