SOF IMO Result 2024 See Here Now

SOF IMO Results: we know that every year Science Olympiad examination take place. The Science Olympiad Foundation has released the results for the International Mathematics Olympiad 2024-25.

This Science Olympiad examination is one of the prestigious competitions designed to nurture the mathematical talent among student from class 1 to 12 that has generated significant attention across the world.

You will get to know here all about Science Olympiad foundations International Mathematics Olympiad information along with comprehensive guide on the result including how to check result and important that associated with this Olympiad and frequently ask question.

SOF IMO Result Important dates

S. No.EventDate/Details
1Release of IMO ResultsJanuary 11, 2025
2Level 1 Exam DatesOctober 22, November 19, and December 12, 2024
3Level 2 Exam DateFebruary 2025 (exact date to be announced)

How to check International mathematic Olympiad result

All the candidates are advised to follow the step by step process as given below in order to check their International Mathematical Olympiad result.

  • Candidate must visit the official website by clicking this link.
  • After visiting the official website candidate are suggested to navigate to the result section where they should click on results section on home page.
  • On the homepage there will appear drop down menu in which they will have to select the proper exam and choose IMO 2024-25.
  • After that inter your roll number in the format School code class roll number.
  • Then click on the view button and submit the detail to view the result and download the result for the future preferences.

Details mention in the SOF IMO Result

In the International Mathematical Olympiad result there will be mention name roll number class and section and total marks escort by the student and international rank a language zonal rank and school rank.

Award and scholarship for SOF IMO Result

Award and scholarship will be provided to The Eligible Candidate and some medals and certificate of merit and scholarship will be based on the rank will be provided.

Qualification criteria for level 2 in SOF IMO Result

To qualify for the level 2 examination all the candidate must need specific criteria such as ad international level top 5% of candidate class wise who appear in the first level examination will be qualified and if we talk about at journal level or state level top 25 rank holder from each zone and each class will be declared as qualified and if it talk about school level class topper at least 10 student from class appear in the exam and score at least 50% 45 marks will qualify.

Awards and scholarship for SOF IMO Result

Winner of the Science Olympiad Foundation International Mathematics Olympiad are presented with various award and scholarship suggest International Award in which case award will be provided along with medals and certificate for the top 3 International Bank holder and for Zonal and school level award recognition for the zonal and school level winner they will be also provided medals and certificate.

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What is the Science Olympiad Federation International Mathematical Olympiad?

The International Mathematics Olympiad is an annual competition conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation in order to access the student’s mathematics reasoning and logical ability across all over the world.

How can I check IMO result?

By visiting the official website of SOF and providing your roll number and class and other detail you can check the IMO result.

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