RRB Ministerial vacancy 2025 apply now for posts

RRB Ministerial vacancy: Railway Recruitment Board has recently announced the detailed notification for the recruitment of material and isolated categories for 2025.

This is one of the golden opportunities for all those want to make their career in railway in various discipline suggest ministerial and isolated category

Notification clearly mention that there are total number of 1036 vacancy in various discipline for which this recruitment drive is being conducted.

You will get your all-important information related to the recruitment of ministerial and isolated categories its application process eligibility criteria selection process and some frequently asked questions.

RRB Ministerial vacancy Important dates

1Notification Release DateJanuary 7, 2025
2Start of Online ApplicationJanuary 7, 2025
3Last Date to ApplyFebruary 6, 2025
4Admit Card Release DateNotified Soon
5Exam DateTo be notified

RRB Ministerial vacancy Posts

1Junior Stenographer (Hindi & English)200
2Junior Translator (Hindi)100
3Staff & Welfare Inspector150
4Chief Law Assistant50
6PGT (Post Graduate Teacher)150
7TGT (Trained Graduate Teacher)150
8Physical Training Instructor (Male & Female)50
9Assistant Mistress (Jr. School)50
10Music Mistress20
11Dance Mistress16
12Laboratory Assistant (School)50

RRB Ministerial vacancy Eligibility criteria

Candidate want Tu join ministerial and isolated category post must have the following eligibility criteria.

Educational qualification about the educational qualification rally include 10th pass 12th pass and diploma or bachelor degree in relevant field

Age limit generally it lies between 18 to 33 years but age relaxation is also provided for some reserve category such as scheduled caste schedule tribe and economically weaker section along with other backward class.

RRB Ministerial vacancy Application process

Candid must have visited the official website by clicking this link and register their sell by providing your details such as name date of birth and email id along with mobile number.

After doing all about process login your dashboard by providing your email id and password and complete application from my providing your required detail and uploading photo and signature and making payment of the application fees.

After doing your process click on the submit button and submit the application form and take the print out of the confirmation page and keep it safe with you for the future references.

RRB Ministerial vacancy Selection process

Candidate who are willing to join this job must have the go through the following selection process.

In first stage Computer Based test take place in which candidates’ knowledge will be tested.

In some post Stenography skill will be tested.

Translation test will take place for a post of translator

Performance test and teaching skill test will take place for the teaching post

After all, about document verification will take place and medical examination will also take place.

RRB Ministerial vacancy Application fees

All accident Ho belong to the general and other by God class will have to pay 500 rupees in which 400 will be refunded after appearing in the Computer Based test examination file other candidate who belong to some reserve category suggest scheduled caste schedule tribe PWD X serviceman female transgender minority economy vehicle class will have to pay only 250 rupees which is totally refundable.

Also Read:

Railway Vacancy 2025 Apply now in ample group D

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What is the last day to apply for RRB ministerial and isolated categories?

6 February 2025 is the last date to apply for ministerial and isolated category

What will be the exam date for the recruitment of ministerial and isolated category?

Exam date will be notified letter on the official website of RRB.

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